EXODUS 25:31-37
What key words describe the candlestick? What does it remind you of?
How does the light point to Jesus Christ?
Hint: Olive oil is made by crushing olives and applying intense pressure. It then can be used to produce light.
Lev. 24:2
Alma 7:11-14

Core Message
Welcome to the Holy Place. Priests and Levites served in the Tabernacle, but only priests were allowed to enter this first room of the Tabernacle. You can see three sacred objects in the Holy place.
1. On the right is the Table of Shewbread. You can see a pitcher of wine and 12 unleavened loaves of bread, one for each of the 12 tribes. At the end of the week these loaves were eaten by the Priests on the Sabbath. To the ancient Israelites it represented a sacred meal or communion with Jehovah.
What did Christ say bread symbolized?
Possible Answer: Jesus Christ said, “I am the bread of life” (John 6:35) and “Jesus took bread… [and said] take eat, this is my body” (Matt 26:26)
2. On the left is the Candlestick. In the Jewish tradition the 7 branches represent God’s presence in the burning bush and in the Tabernacle. We believe it was modeled after the almond tree, which is the first tree to blossom in the spring.
The children of Israel were commanded to use olive oil and “cause the lamps to burn continually” (Lev 24:2)
What might this represent for us?
Possible Answer: Jesus is the “Light of the World.” (John 8:12)
In 3 Nephi 18:24 the Lord instructs us “Behold I am the light which ye shall hold up-that which you have seen me do.
Possible Answer: Besides light, Olive oil is also used for healing which has connection to the Savior’s Atonement and the olive press. It also represents purity and the Holy Ghost.
Here at the center is the Altar of Incense. The priests burnt incense twice a day. What does this symbolize?
Possible Answer: The rising smoke from the burning incense symbolized the prayers of the righteous ascending to heaven. God hears our prayers.
Psalms 141:2 “Let thy prayers be set forth before thee as incense, and by THE LIFTING UP OF MY HANDS”
Behind the Altar of Incense is the veil of the temple, the entrance to the Holy of Holies. Notice the sacred colors: blue, scarlet, and purple. Also note the 2 cherubim, placed to guard the entrance to the Holy of Holies. The Apostle Paul said the veil represents Christ, who stands between us and God’s presence (Heb 10:20).