Who brought the offering? And how?
Why the laying on of hands?
Hint: It was given willingly, and acted as a substitute.

LEVITICUS 1:5, 7-8
Who was the sacrifice done in front of?
How are they like Christ?
Hint: The priests, Aaron's sons, had authority.

EX. 27:1-2
Where was this done?
What were the features of the altar?
Hint: Blood was placed on horns of altar. The Hebrew word for "horn" also means "power".Â
Lev. 4:27,30

Core Message
Welcome to the Altar of Sacrifice. Unlike our replica, the original was made of wood overlayed with brass. It is here the Israelites offered up the firstlings of their flocks to the Lord. In general, sacrifice was a sign of faith and obedience in ancient Israel and consisted in giving the best to the Lord. It was also done to repent of sin and impurity and give thanks. Prophets taught that sacrifice was a symbol that pointed to the future sacrifice of the Lamb of God.
As you look at the Altar of Sacrifice, what do you think the Lord was trying to teach the Israelites? What does He want us to learn?
Possible answer: We can be forgiven for our sins through the atoning blood of Jesus Christ.
Here is how the process would work if you were bringing a sacrifice to the altar.
You would personally present an animal at the Gate.
If the Priest found the animal unblemished and acceptable, you would dedicate it to God. It became your personal representative.
The person who brought the animal would slay the animal. This helped make a personal connection to the symbolism of the offering.
The Priest would collect some of its blood and apply it to the altar—specifically to the horns. You might think about it this way: As the animal’s blood covered the altar, the Savior’s blood covers your sins.
The Priest then burned all or some of the animal on the altar depending on the type of sacrifice. The offering that was not burned was offered as a meal to worshipers, priests, and families. Does this remind you of the sacrament?
Animal sacrifice continued until the death of Jesus Christ.